Bulk Tagging Options

Bulk Tagging Options


This article will show you how to bulk add/remove tags from users in your People (CRM).

  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone

  1. To select the users you’d like to tag, click Filters, then make your selections from the available filtering options and run the search.

  1. After you have run your search, you’ll have 4 user selection options to select which users from your search you’d like to add/remove tags from. 

The first option is to select the users individually, which you can do by simply checking the box next to their name. 

The second option is to select all users on a page, which you can do by checking the box next to the Name column at the top of the list. 

The third option is to select all pages, which you can do by clicking on the icon next to Selected Users

The fourth and last option is to select all users from the search, which you can do by clicking on the number next to Users Found

  1. Once you’ve made your selection, click on theTag Add/Remove icon. 

  1. From here, you’ll have the option to select the tag you’d wish to add to/remove from the selected users from the Tag dropdown, as well as which action (Add Tag/Remove Tag) you’d like to perform. 

  1. The Criteria settings give you the option to set how many users from your search you wish to update tags for, or to randomize the users the tag action is being performed on. As an example, this comes in hand if your search yields hundreds of users, but you want to tag 100 of them for a marketing campaign. If you want the tag action to apply to all users selected, simply leave the criteria settings as they are. When you’re ready to complete the process select Go.

  1. To confirm that the tag update was successful, go back to the Filter from step 2, then select the tag you performed the update for from the Tag dropdown. The blue “Has” next to the tag field will show you all users you have the selected tag when you run the search. If you want to do a reverse search for users who don’t have the selected tag, click the blue “Has” and it will switch to “Not.” 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to success@myfithive.com with any additional questions you may have. 

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