Facebook Connection

Facebook Connection

This article will guide you through the Facebook Connection settings in your Hive. This is used to connect your Facebook Page and Ads Account to your Hive, which gives you the ability to automatically import leads from a campaign to your Hive. Please note that you must use Facebook Lead Form Ads in order for the import to run correctly. 

  1. To begin, go to Settings >> then select Facebook Connection

  1. From here, the first step you’ll need to do is connect the Facebook account that manages your Facebook Business account, which you can do by clicking on Connect to Account >> then click Continue to proceed. 

  1. A pop-up window will open showing that you’re about to connect to your Facebook profile. Click Connect Facebook to proceed. 

  1. If you’re already logged into your Facebook account, you’ll have the option to proceed by clicking Continue As (your name). If you’re not logged in, you can do so by clicking on “Log into another account.”

  1. Once your personal account has been connected, you’ll be provided with a list of all Pages you manage. From there, you’ll simply select the Pages you want to connect to your Hive>> then click Next to proceed. 

  1. The next page is where you’ll select the accessibility settings, which is what determines what your Hive is able to access from your Facebook page(s). Please note that all options must be selected in order for the Facebook connection to work properly. 

  1. If done correctly, you’ll be shown that your Facebook page(s) were successfully connected, after which you’ll select OK to continue. 

  1. You’ll then be redirected back to the Facebook Connection page in your Hive, where you’ll be prompted to select the Facebook Business page you’re connecting to your Hive. Simply click on the blue business page button to proceed. 

  1. You’ll then be provided with a list of all available lead forms that are active in your Facebook account. To connect them to your Hive, simply check the box next to them >> then you’ll be given the option to set which tags you’d like to add/remove to the leads once they’re imported to your Hive, as well as what drip campaign you’d like to add them to. Once you’ve selected the lead form ads, click Save to continue. 

  1. The last step is to enable the lead import, which you’ll do by simply clicking on Enable under Ad Lead Import. Please note that the import is set to run hourly. Once enabled, you’ll be sent automated emails each time the import is performed. 

  1. The users imported from your lead form ads will automatically be added to your People (CRM) >> View Everyone, or Lead Follow Up sections of your Hive. 

  1. Once you turn off the ads from your Facebook account, you’ll want to make sure that you disable the Ad Lead Import from your Hive as well, otherwise you’ll continue to be sent the automated emails that the import was run with zero new leads. 

  1. The Facebook Connection settings should keep everything saved so that when you’re ready to connect another Facebook campaign to your Hive, all you’ll need to do is select Connect to Lead Forms, then select the lead form ads you want to connect. If, for whatever reason, the Facebook Connection is not connected for your next campaign, simply follow the same steps from above. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to success@myfithive.com with any additional questions you may have.
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