How to Add/Edit Membership Types

How to Add/Edit Membership Types

This article will show you how to add/edit membership types in your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Memberships >> Add/Edit Types

  1. In this example, we’ll start with creating a new membership type, which you can do by selecting Add Type

  1. From here, you’ll start from the top and work your way down the settings.

  1. Membership Name, which is what your members will see. 

  1. Internal Name is what your admins will see from the dashboard and is required.

  1. The Description field is where you can add additional information on the membership type and is optional. This description is client facing and can be viewed when users sign themselves up for the membership online (self signup must be enabled for this, which we’ll cover below). 

  1. You can also choose whether or not you’d like to include an image for the membership, which is also viewable from the membership self signup link.

  1. If you’d like to connect a contract to the membership you can do so by clicking on the Contract field and selecting the applicable contract type. Please note that the default contracts must be set up prior to adding them to a membership, which you can learn more about  HERE

  1. The next settings are for marketing/organizing purposes and consist of Add to Drip CampaignRemove Lead StatusTags to Applyand Tags to Remove

  1. Add to Dripthis setting will automatically add members to the selected drip campaign the moment they sign up for the membership. 

  1. Remove Lead Status: this setting will remove the lead status from a user the moment they sign up for the membership. Removing the lead status will automatically remove the member from your Leads Follow Up tool in your Hive. 

  1. Tags to Apply: this will automatically add the selected tag(s) to a member once they signed up for the membership. 

  1. Tags to Remove: this will automatically remove the selected tag(s) from a member once they have signed up. 

  2. Pre-tagstags that will be automatically added to users whose contact info is captured early in the membership self signup process, which we'll cover more below. Pre-tags will automatically be removed from a user once they have completed the membership registration process. 

  1. Self Signup Settings, if enabled, will generate self signup links that users can access to sign themselves up for the membership. You can add these links to web pages, mass emails/texts, and Addons (customer facing POS). 

    Once enabled, you'll have 3 additional settings: 

    Require CC for Self Signup?: dictates whether or not users must provide credit/debit card info when signing themselves up for a membership online. Generally, the only time this should be set to "No" is if it's a free membership. 

    Allow previous/existing members to signup?: controls whether or not previous/current members are able to use the self sign up link for this specific membership type. We recommend that you leave this as "No" for promotional/free memberships so that users do not unintentionally receive deals multiple times. 

    Capture info early?: if set to yes, this will have your Hive automatically capture user contact info when they're going through the membership verification process, as well as apply the Pre-Tags from above. This process consists of users providing their name and email address for your Hive to verify whether or not they have an existing account/membership. If they don't have an account, your Hive will automatically capture the info they provided and will add them to People CRM while simultaneously moving them to the next phase of self signup process. You can basically consider this as an "abandoned cart" feature for memberships. 

  1. Period/Rate Settings

  1. Auto Renew: this setting will automatically renew the membership at the end of each billing cycle. 

  1. Membership Period: this is how often the membership will be renewed/billed. For example, if you want the membership to renew monthly you would set the Months field to 1. 

  1. Taxable: if enabled, this will automatically add the designated tax rate to the membership rate. Please note that you must set up the Tax Rate prior to enabling it in the membership settings. 

  1. Pass Based Membership: if enabled, this will give you the option to add passes to the membership, which members can use within their current billing period. 

  1. Terminate/End Period: if enabled, this will automatically end the membership at the end of the selected period, regardless if auto-renew has been enabled. 

  1. Special First Period: this setting will allow you to override the duration of initial membership period. For example, if the default monthly period is 30 days, but the special first period is set to 60 days, the first renewal of the membership will happen 60 days from the time the member initially signed up for it. 

  1. Access Settings is where you can restrict access to certain areas. 

  1. Default Allow General Checkins: this controls whether or not a member can check themselves into your gym. General checkins are separate from class checkins and are used simply to show that a member was at your gym. 

  1. Default Allow Class Checkins: this controls whether or not a member can access and use your class schedule, which is where they can go to sign up/check themselves into a class. 

  1. Default Allow Mobility Use: if enabled, this will grant members access to the mobility section of their account/member app. Please note that you must enable the mobility settings and add mobility routines in order for this to be viewable/accessible. 

  1. Default Allow Nutrition Use: if enabled, this will grant members access to the nutrition section of their account/member app. There are additional nutrition settings available, such Member Self Manage, that you can learn more about HERE

  1. Once you have everything set to your liking click Save to complete the setup process. 

  1. If, at any point, you need to edit the default settings for a membership, you can do so by going back to Memberships >> Add/Edit Types >> then select the membership type you want to edit. 

We hope this helps, but as always please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have.

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