How to Add POS Items

How to Add POS Items

This article will show you 
How to Add POS Items to your Hive for your users to purchase. 

  1. To begin, go to Point of Sales (POS) >> Manage Items >> then select Add Item

  1. From here, the next few settings are pretty straightforward. Give the item a name, set the price/tax, and select the applicable category, which is optional. 

  1. You can upload an image by clicking on the magnifying glass in the Image URL field, then select the image you’d like to use or upload a new one from your device. 

  1. The description field is self explanatory, but please note that this is for internal use and will not be publicly displayed. 

  1. The next setting is for SKU/Inventory Method, which provides you with the following three options:

  1. No SKUs/Inventory: this can be used if you don’t want/need to track inventory.

  1. Single SKU: this is for single items with no variations ( flavors, sizes, etc), such as bottles of water, shakers, etc. 

  1. Multiple SKUs/Variations: this will give you the option to set up multiple SKUs and variations for the product. For example, you would select this option if you have a t-shirt available in multiple sizes and/or colors. 

    To set this up, select 
    Add Option, then fill out the Option Name field, which in this case would be Size. You’ll then select Add Value for each available size, such as Small, Medium, and Large. You would follow the same steps for color, but in this case the Option Name would be Color, and you’d add values for each available color, such as Gray, White, Black, etc. Once you have finished setting up your variations, select Save. 

The next step is to assign SKUs and inventory to each variation, which you’ll do by selecting Add SKU, then you can fill out each field as desired. Please note that the SKU, UPC, Aisle/Bin, and Inventory fields are all optional, but you must select the variations for each available option in order for them to be available for purchase. Using the t-shirt as a reference again, if it comes in 3 sizes and 3 colors, there should be 9 SKUs when you’re done setting them up (ex: White/Small, White/Med, White/Large, etc). 

Once your items have been added successfully they’’ll be available for purchase through the POS/Addons sections of your Hive.

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out so with any additional questions you may have. 

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