Website Menus

Website Menus

This article will show you how to edit/manage your website menus. 

1. To begin, go to Website >> Manage Website Menus >> then you’ll be able to view all of the existing website menus currently set up through your Hive. To edit an existing menu, simply click on its name.

2. Next, you can edit the Name of the menu, the menu type (Primary/Footer), and Menu Items.

2.a The menu name can be whatever you like and can only be viewed internally by users with admin access. 

2.b There are 2 main types of website menus, which are Primary and Footer. Primary menus are accessible at the top of your website, while the Footer menus are accessible at the bottom. Assigning a menu type is not required, but please note that if one is not selected, you will have to manually add the menu to each of the desired page(s) individually, which we’ll cover in more detail later. 

2.c The Menu Items are essentially bookmarks that direct users to different pages or sections of your website. The menu item names can be whatever you’d like and will be displayed on your website menu. 

You can use the magnifying glass to select what page/area of your site you’d like to direct users to, which we’ve broken down in more detail. 

Content: gives you the option to select any custom-built webpage in your Hive. 

Built In: gives you the option to select any of the built-in (hard coded) pages that came with your Hive, such as your class schedule page, user login page, etc. 

Signup: gives you the option to select any membership type that has self signup links enabled. You can learn more about membership types HERE. 

Files: gives you the option to select files (images, PDFs, eBooks, etc) that you’ve uploaded to your Hive. 

2.d You also have the option to add new menu items, or set up a dropdown menu as desired. Dropdown Menus give you the option to link multiple pages/files to a single Menu Item. For example, if you have multiple exercise programs, you can set up a Programs dropdown menu and link it to the landing pages for each program type. However, please note that dropdown menus can’t be added to existing menu items, they can only be set up separately or edited as needed. 

Once you have finished setting up your website menu, click Save to complete the process. 

Adding an Undesignated Menu to Web Page

As mentioned in section 2.b above, website menus do not require a type designation (Primary/Footer) in order to be active, but if they don’t have one they’ll need to be manually added to the applicable pages as desired. Undesignated website menus can be used as sub-menus for things such as online courses, on-demand content, and more. 

As an example, let’s pretend that we put together a 4 week course that we’d like to create a menu for. Following the steps above, we’ll add a separate menu item for each lesson page of the course, but we’re not going to set this as a primary or footer menu. 

Next, go to Website >> Manage Web Pages >> select the page you want to add the course menu to >> then select the menu you created for the course from the Side Menu dropdown and save the change. You can then repeat this process for any page you’d like to add the course menu to. 

When you preview the page, you’ll be able to see the course menu underneath your website’s primary menu towards the top right corner. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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