How to Create and Send Mass Emails

How to Create and Send Mass Emails

This article will show you 
How to Create and Send Mass Emails from your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Communicate >> Send Mass Emails >> then select Create Message

  1. The next page is where you’ll name the email, as well as select the recipients you’d like to send the email to. Please note that selecting multiple recipient options will add them in addition to each other. For example, if you select users with a specific tag, as well as all active users, the email will be sent to all users with the selected tag(s), as well as all active users. We strongly suggest only selecting one recipient type to prevent the email from accidentally being sent to users you didn’t intend to send to. Here’s a quick rundown of each recipient option. 

  1. All Users: will send the email to all users in your Hive, including active members, leads, admins, and instructors. 

  1. Users with Specific Tag: will send the email to all users tagged with the selected tags. 

  1. Active Admin Users: will send the email all active admins; will not send to admins if they’re account is inactive

  1. Active Users: will send the email to active users, regardless of membership status. This includes users with an active profile but no active membership.

  1. All Members: will send the email to all users with an active membership.

  1. Members with attendance or checkin in the last X days: will send the email to all users with an active membership that has attended/checked in at your gym within the set amount of days. The set amount of days can be edited to your choosing. 

  1. Members without attendance and without checkin in the last X days: will send the email to all users with an active membership that have not attended/checked in at your gym within the set amount of days. The set amount of days can be edited to your choosing.

  1. All recipients from a specific message: this gives you the option to select the recipients from a previous mass email. Once selected, you’ll have the option to select which previous email from the Select Email Message drop-down. 

  1. Recipients who opened a specific message: this gives you the option to select the recipients who opened a previous mass email. Once selected, you’ll have the option to select which previous email from the Select Email Message drop-down. 

  1. Recipients who did NOT open a specific message: this gives you the option to select the recipients who did not open a previous mass email. Once selected, you’ll have the option to select which previous email from the Select Email Message drop-down. 

  1. Registrants on a specific class time: gives you the option to send the email to registrants signed up for a specific class time. Once selected, you’ll be able to choose the class time from the Select Class Time drop-down, as well as the Registrant Status (Any, Not Canceled, Checked In, Not Checked In, Only Canceled).

  1. Waitlist on a specific class time: gives you the option to send the email to registrants on a waitlist for a specific class time. Once selected, you’ll be able to choose the class time from the Select Class Time drop-down. 

Once you have selected your recipient type, select Continue to proceed. 

  1. The next page will give you the option to select an email template. The available options are BasicBlastReviewMarketing, and Newsletter. Simply click on the template you’d like to use, then click Set Template to proceed. You also have the option to skip using a template and create your own email layout by clicking Skip

  1. The next step is to set up and create the email itself, beginning with the details. 

  1. From Name: this shows your recipients who the email is from and is defaulted to add your gym’s name from your general settings. You also have the option to edit this by clicking into the field. 

  1. Reply Email: this is the email address that replies to your email will be sent to. By default, replies will be sent to the email address set up as your Hive Notification Email in your general settings. This can also be edited by clicking into the field. 

  1. Email Subject: what you enter here will be shown in the subject line once it is sent to your recipients. You’ll want to make sure to avoid words or phrases such as “Buy Now”, “Signup Now”, “Join Now”, etc. to help reduce the risk of the email getting flagged as spam. 

  1. After the email details have been set up, the next step is to edit/create the message itself. If you chose a template, its content blocks will automatically be added to the email. When you hover over a content section a menu will appear with multiple options to choose from, which are explained in more detail below. 

  1. Edit: gives you the option to edit the content in the selected box; once selected, an editor will appear in the left-hand menu; make sure to set the content once it has been added. 

  1. Add Up/Down: add new contact blocks above or below

  1. Move Up/Down: move the selected content section up or down from where it’s currently positioned

  1. Delete: click on the trashcan to delete the selected section. 

  1. You can also add content blocks to your email by clicking on Add Section, then select which widget you’d like to add. Any content block that is selected this way will be added underneath the last section of the email. 

  1. There are tokens available to add to your email, which will auto-fill with the corresponding information once the email is sent. For example, if you add @@first_name@@, the user’s first name will be filled in once the email is sent to them. We’ve added shortcuts to the most commonly used tokens underneath the message editor. These can also be accessed by clicking on the notepad icon to the right side of the page. 

  1. Once you have set up the email to your liking, click Continue to proceed. 

  1. You’ll then be prompted to send yourself a test email on the next page, which we always suggest doing so you can see what the email will look like when it’s sent to your users, as well as double check for any grammatical errors or type-o’s. If everything looks good in the test email, you can click “Done testing, let’s continue” to proceed. 

  1. The last page will give you the options to save the email as a draft, schedule it to send on a specific date, or send immediately. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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