How to Create and Send Mass Texts

How to Create and Send Mass Texts

This article will show you How to Send Mass Texts from your Hive. Before we begin, please note that texting must be enabled in your Hive prior to this feature being available. You can choose to have FitHive set this up and manage for you, or you can connect your own Twilio account to your Hive. Please reach out to to help set this up for you. 

  1. To begin, go to Communicate >> Send Mass Texts >> then select Create Message

  1. The next page is where you’ll name the text (for internal use), as well as select the recipients you’d like to send the text to. Please note that selecting multiple recipient options will add them in addition to each other. For example, if you select users with a specific tag, as well as all active users, the text will be sent to all users with the selected tag(s), as well as all active users. We strongly suggest only selecting one recipient type to prevent the text from accidentally being sent to users you didn’t intend to send it to. Here’s a quick rundown of each recipient option. 

  1. Users with Specific Tag: will send the text to all users tagged with the selected tags. 

  1. Active Admin Users: will send the text all active admins; will not send to admins if they’re account is inactive

  1. Active Users: will send the text to active users, regardless of membership status. This includes users with an active profile but no active membership.

  1. All Members: will send the text to all users with an active membership.

  1. Members with attendance or checkin in the last X days: will send the text to all users with an active membership that has attended/checked in at your gym within the set amount of days. The set amount of days can be edited to your choosing. 

  1. Members without attendance and without checkin in the last X days: will send the text to all users with an active membership that have not attended/checked in at your gym within the set amount of days. The set amount of days can be edited to your choosing.

  1. Registrants on a specific class time: gives you the option to send the email to registrants signed up for a specific class time. Once selected, you’ll be able to choose the class time from the Select Class Time drop-down, as well as the Registrant Status (Any, Not Canceled, Checked In, Not Checked In, Only Canceled).

  1. Waitlist on a specific class time: gives you the option to send the email to registrants on a waitlist for a specific class time. Once selected, you’ll be able to choose the class time from the Select Class Time drop-down. 

Once you have selected your recipient type, select Continue to proceed.

  1. The next page is where you’ll add the message itself in the blank message field. You’ll notice that there is additional information that will provide you with the character and segment counts. Please note that texts are sent as segments, which have a max of 160 characters each. For example, if your message has 200 characters it’ll take two segments to send. Additionally, special characters may take up more than one character count, so it’s important to pay attention to this information, especially if you’re copying/pasting the text used for your message. After you have added your message, click Continue to proceed. 

  1. You’ll then be prompted to send yourself a test text on the next page, which we always suggest doing so you can see what the text will look like when it’s sent to your users, as well as double check for any grammatical errors or type-o’s. If everything looks good in the test, you can click “Done testing, let’s continue” to proceed.

  1. The last page will give you the options to save the text as a draft, or send it immediately. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have.

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