How to Export Users from People (CRM)

How to Export Users from People (CRM)

This article will show you how to 
Export Users from your Hive

  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone

  1. If you want to export a specific group of users, select Sort/Filter, then make your selections from the available filtering options and run the search. 

  1. After you have run your search, you’ll have 4 user selection options to select which users from your search you’d like to add/remove tags from. 

The first option is to select the users individually, which you can do by simply checking the box next to their name. 

The second option is to select all users on a page, which you can do by checking the box next to the Name column at the top of the list. 

The third option is to select all pages, which you can do by clicking on the icon next to Selected Users

The fourth and last option is to select all users from the search, which you can do by clicking on the number next to Users Found

  1. Next, click the Export icon. 

  1. You’ll then be given the option to export the results of the Current User Filter, or All Users

  1. You also have the option to select additional User Fields that you’d like to include in the export. When you’ve made your selections, click Run Export

  1. Once the export has been successfully completed you’ll have the option to download it. 

  1. When you’re ready to run your next export, follow steps 1-3 then you will be prompted to clear the previous export to start a new one. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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