How to Manually Unsubscribe Users

How to Manually Unsubscribe Users

This article will show you how to manually unsubscribe users from emails/texts. Before we begin, mass communications are considered mass emails and texts, as well as drip campaigns and can be delivered via email or text message, if applicable. Users have the ability to opt out from these themselves but some will occasionally request this from you. 

  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> then search for and select the user you’re unsubscribing from mass communications. 

  1. Next, select Edit User >> then check Yes for the method of mass communication they’re unsubscribing from, which are Mass EmailMass Text, or you can check both as needed. Click Save to complete the process. 

  1. If, at any point, the user wants to resubscribe you can go through the previous steps again and select “No” for the method of mass communication they’re resubscribing to. 

*Please note that users who ask to resubscribe to text will need to reply “Yes” to a previous text they received from you.*

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 
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