How to Navigate the Dashboard

How to Navigate the Dashboard

This article will show you how to navigate and set up the Dashboard in your Hive. 

  1. To begin, log into your Hive and select Dashboard from the left-hand menu. The default view of your Dashboard will provide you with select Report widgets (these are customizable), To-Do List widget, and Announcements widget. Let’s break down each section of the Dashboard, beginning with the Report widgets. 

  1. The default Report widgets displayed on your Dashboard will include New PeopleEngaged UsersTotal MembersAt Risk MembersMembership RevenueAll Revenue, and Revenue Channels (graph). You can use the Filter at the top to search for data from a specific date range and have that information automatically populate in the applicable widgets, but please note that this will not apply to any widget that is marked as Fixed. However, you do have the option to click into a specific widget to view the details of its corresponding data in more detail, as well as run custom searches from there. 

Any report widget that has a percent box in the upper right corner will provide you with a snapshot of how that corresponding data compares to the same time last year. 

You also have the option to choose which report widgets you’d like to include on your dashboard, as well as the order they’re displayed, by clicking on the blue Choose Metrics button. Simply use the toggle next to the corresponding report widget to enable/disable, then hover over the directional icon to change the order you’d like them to be displayed on your dashboard. To help familiarize yourself with each report widget, here’s a breakdown of each one: 

New People: the number of new people with active profiles that have been added to your Hive for the current month. Please note that this includes new leads, members, and instructors with active profiles, but excludes admins. 

Engaged Users: the number of users that have been active in their account, such as tracking a workout, signing up/checking into a class, adding a macro log, etc. This includes users with or without an active membership. 

Total Members: the number of total active users with at least one active membership. 

New Memberships: the number of new memberships generated within the selected time frame. 

At Risk Members: the number of users with active memberships that have no recorded attendance, both general checkins and class checkins, within the selected time frame. 

Membership Revenue: the total revenue generated from membership payments within the selected time frame. 

All Revenue: the total revenue generated from all income streams, such as membership payments, POS/Addons purchases, Class Signup fee, and Misc Manual Payments.

Revenue Channels: graph of all revenue channels (total of different payment sources like classes, memberships, POS) over the last 13 months (fixed range). 

  1. The To Do List widget allows you to set tasks and assign due dates to them as needed. Please note that this is hard coded and cannot be removed from your Hive, but you can simply disregard it if you have no need to use it. Simply add the task to theTo Do Name field, select a due date for it, then select Add. Once it has been completed you can check the box next to the task to mark it as such. 

  1. The Announcements widget gives you the ability to post notifications to your users as needed, which will be displayed on their online account, or through your member app if enabled. Simply type your announcement in the blank field and select Save to post it. Once you’re ready to remove an announcement, highlight its text and delete it, then hit Save again. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 
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