Payroll/Timeclock Overview

Payroll/Timeclock Overview

This article will provide you with an overview of the Payroll/Timeclock settings, which are located in the Payroll section of your Hive. 


Payroll figures are calculated separately for schedule and timeclock, if you pay people hourly based on clocked in time and for classes - you will need to make sure that the users are not clocked in during the same timeframe as the instructed class or they could receive "double credit/payment".

Any timeclock session that is currently "open" (where the user is not clocked out) will be excluded from payroll. The start time of the class or clocked in session determines which payroll report it will end up in.

Payroll will not keep track of what was paid, it will only calculate what is potentially owed based on the current rates set at the time of the report generation. It does NOT currently take into account overtime or holiday pay. It WILL NOT use historical rates to calculate past figures, if you ran a report for a past date range it would use whatever current rates are configured (not what rates were configured at those previous date ranges). A payroll report that is generated will be locked in/snapshot with the current rates at the time of generation. You have to enable payroll on each Admin/Instructor before they will be included on the report.


Any rate min/max/base/percentage can be set on a class type and then inherited or overridden on a specific class, which can then either be inherited or overridden on any user for their base or by class/type.

Percentage based calculations are only for what an attendee pays to attend that specific class. i.e. If no attendees pay anything (because it is a free class or included with membership) then the percentage calculation will yield zero (percent of zero is zero).

An instructor is only given credit for classes that they were set as the instructor on when the payroll report was generated. A class must not be "inactive" (considered canceled), however it will count even without any attendees if applicable based on how rates are configured; however, you have the option to require at least one checked-in user to a class in order for the assigned instructor to be owed for it.. Only attendees that are not in a canceled state, are a hard registration (not soft/pending), and have checked in will be considered an applicable attendee.


For Class Schedule: 

  1. Base Rates - At the bottom of the tree, anything can override these. Will be used if nothing overrides them

  2. User/Instructor Base Rate - per instructor configuration, overrides base rates

  3. Class Type  Rate - Overrides all the above

  4. Class  Rate - Overrides all the above

  5. Instructor Class Type  Rate - overrides all above per instructor per class type 

  6. Instructor Class  Rate - overrides all the above, for individual classes

For Timeclock:

  1. Base Rates - At the bottom of the tree, anything can override these. Will be used if nothing overrides them

  2. User Role  Rate - per user role configuration, overrides base rates

  3. User Base Rate - overrides all above per user

Once you have set up your pay rates, you can run and export payroll reports as needed, which you can learn more about HERE. 

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