Member App

Member App

This article will show you how to manage your Member App. Before we begin, please note that the Member App included with your Hive is set up as a Progressive Web App (PWA), not as a native app that can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store or Google/Android’s Marketplace. 

A PWA is a type of website that combines the best features of both web and mobile applications, and offers a seamless and responsive user experience. PWAs can be accessed through web browsers and provide offline capabilities and smooth performance, making them feel like native apps. 

During your onboarding, our team will work with you to set up and customize your Member App so it’s ready for use when your Hive is launched. 

  1. To begin, go to Settings >> Mobile App

  1. The Mobile App Settings page is where you’ll manage all of the settings in your app, which we’ve broken down individually below.

    Mobile App Enabled
    : this determines whether or not your mobile app is available for your members to use. Please note that users must have an active membership in order to access your member app. 

    Install Link Display: if enabled, this will add a link to the member account with directions on how they can download the app. Below is example of how this will look in the member's account. 

    Full Name: this will be the name of your app that is displayed on the member’s phone; by default, it will automatically be set to your gym’s name but can be edited as desired. 

    App Short Name: this will be the shortened name of your app in the event that the member’s phone has a character limit on what can be displayed for an app name. For example, The FitHive Fitness Center might be too long for some phones, so we’d recommend shortening it to something along the lines of TFFC. 

    Logo Image: this is the logo that will be displayed within the app itself. We highly recommend using a logo that has a transparent background to make it easier to see, as well as improve the overall appearance of your app. 

    Primary Color: this is the main color of your app, which will match up with the primary color of your website by default. 

    Primary Color Foreground: this is the color that will be used for text and elements/icons on top of the primary color. 

    App Icons
    : these are the icons that will be displayed on the phone home screens of your members. 

    Top Bar - Left Menu Option
    : located at the top left corner of your app, this will be a pinned shortcut to the option selected from the dropdown. The most commonly selected option for this is the Barcode, since this can be used for checking in. 

Top Bar - Right Menu Option: you have the option to add a Profile Image or Menu Icon to the top right corner of your app, both of which will open the side menu when clicked. You also have the option to display nothing here. More often than not, you’ll want to have the additional menu dropdown here unless you wish to keep the functionality of your app to a bare minimum. 

Bottom Navigation: this allows you to set which app navigation options you’d like to permanently place at the bottom of your app. 

Dashboard Elements: the simplest way to describe dashboard elements are the components that make up the homepage of your app. 

Here's a breakdown of each Dashboard Element: 

I. Announcements: this element will display any announcement you post through your Admin Dashboard, which you can learn more about HERE. 

II. Dashboard Menu: this serves as a central navigation hub, presenting a user-friendly interface with quick access to various features and sections of the application. Without a dashboard menu your members will only be able to access the available sections of your app through the Bottom Navigation or Additional Menu if applicable. 

II. Maxes/PRs: this element will pull each member's recorded Maxes/PR’s and provide them with a snapshot of their progress on the homepage of your app. Please note that members or admins must set the Maxes/PRs they wish to be displayed as favorites in order for them to be displayed in this element. You can learn more about how to set up Maxes/PR’s HERE. 

IV. Measurements: similar to Maxes/PRs, this element will pull each member’s recorded measurements and provide them with a snapshot of their progress on the homepage of your app. Members and/or admins must also set the measurements they wish to be displayed in this element as a favorite. You can learn more about Measurements HERE. 

You can reposition the dashboard elements by clicking on the directional pad next to the applicable element, then drag it to the position you'd like it to be in your app. 

Dashboard Menu: as mentioned above, this is essentially the main menu of your app.

To add more options to your dashboard menu, click the Add Menu Option dropdown>> select the option you’d like to add>> then click +Add. You can repeat this to add as many options to your dashboard menu as you’d like, but we suggest adding the options that your members will use frequently. 

To add/replace a background image to the options in your dashboard menu, click the magnifying glass on the bg image url field >> then select or upload your desired image. 

Additional Menudepending on your configuration, this can be accessed through either the top left or right menu option of your app.
To add more options to your additional menu, click the Add Menu Option dropdown >> select the option you’d like to add >> then click +Add. You can repeat this to add as many options as you’d like. 

Mobile WOD Settings: this controls how many days backward/forward your members can view workouts when in the WOD section of your app (if applicable; please check out the How to Post Workouts support article for more info on how to set these up). 

  1. Once you have finished making your changes, click Save to complete the process. 

  1. As mentioned above, as long as you have enabled the Install Link Display setting your members will be provided with the steps to access your app through their online account. 

We hope this support article helps you become more familiar with your member app, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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