Membership Report: Anniversaries

Membership Report: Anniversaries

This article will show you how to access the Membership Anniversaries report in your Hive. Before you begin, please note that this report pulls the first anniversary date that has been recorded in your Hive, so if you have members that you transferred to your Hive from a previous platform you’ll want to make sure that you import their anniversaries for them to be reported accurately. 

Additionally, this report is set up to pull anniversary dates from the current calendar year. This means that the start date must always come before the end date in any search you run, otherwise the report won’t run successfully. For example, if you attempt to run a report for Dec 1st of last year with January of this year the report won’t run with a Dec start date since that comes after Jan, so in this case you would run 2 separate reports, one for Dec and one for Jan. 

  1. To begin, go to Reports >> Membership >> Membership Anniversaries

  1. From here, the report will initially show you all membership anniversaries from the previous two weeks as well as the upcoming two weeks from today. As mentioned above, please note that if you’re accessing this report within 14 days from Jan 1st that it will try to pull the last 2 weeks from Dec as well, causing the results to be zero since Dec falls before Jan. If you want to see the anniversaries that fall within the last 2 weeks of Dec you would run a separate search for those specific dates (ex: 12/17-12/31). 

  1. You can use the filters above to search by pre-selected date ranges from the Date Range drop down, or select a custom time frame by choosing which dates you want to filter by. 

  1. The results of the report will be listed in chronological order based on the start date. For example, if you search for All Anniversaries, which has a start date of Jan 1st, the results will be in chronological order from that date. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have.

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