Navigating the Lead Follow Up Section

Navigating the Lead Follow Up Section

This article will show you how to navigate the 
Follow Up Leads section of your Hive.

  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> and select Follow Up Leads. From here, you’ll be provided with a snapshot of all the users that are currently set as a lead in your Hive. 

  1. The “CurrentLeads” column is set up in chronological order with the leads whose follow ups are most past due at the top. If they’re highlighted in red that indicates that their follow up is past due, if it’s gold that indicates that they have a follow up due within 7 days or less, and if they’re the standard font color that indicates their next follow up is due in 7 days or more. 

  1. The bar at the top will show Total Leads, the amount of follow ups that are Past DueDue Today, and Due in the Future

  1. The “Details” tab will show you their basic information such as name, email address, lead status, follow up due date, etc. Everything on this page is editable, so if you want to set a new follow up date, click on the date under “LeadStatus”, select the date/time of the next follow up you’d like to set up, then notate as needed. 

  1. If you want to view the full profile for a user click on “View more details.” 

  1. The Notes tab will provide you with all notes for the lead, including those from contact form submissions. You can also add your own notes from here as well. 

  1. The Memberships tab will show you their membership history, with 3 additional sub-tabs for CurrentPast, and PassUses

  1. The Forms tab will show you any custom form submissions. 

  1. The Drips tab will show you any drip campaign they have been added to. 

  1. The Classes will show you will provide you with their class history, and the Appointment tab will do the same. 

  1. Lastly, if you click on Messages this will show you the text history for this user, which you can also reply to from here. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have.

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