Utilizing Wizards

Utilizing Wizards

This article will show you how to navigate and utilize theWizards
 in your Hive. Wizards are pre-built sales and/or marketing funnels, programs, and other content that will automatically be added to your Hive once they have been run. Please note that some are included with your FitHive membership, while others are accessible by purchase only. 

  1. To begin, go to the Wizards section of your Hive. The Wizards home page is broken down into categories, such as Marketing Playbook, Content Partners, and more. This page is subject to change as more offerings become available. Click on the category you’d like to browse. 

  1. From here, click on a Wizard you’re interested in running to see what it includes. The examples below are from the "Free Content" category above.

  1. Once selected, you'll be provided with the details of the wizard, as well as what assets are included with it. 

  1. If you want to add the contents of the selected wizard to your Hive, select Create Assets/Run Wizard. As long as you have immediate access to the wizard you’ll be shown that it was run successfully. 

  1. If you happen to select a free wizard that requires a password, simply reach out to a FitHive team member to have them run it for you. 

  1. If you have signed up for content from one of our Content Partners, you’ll be provided with the info/access code to their wizards directly through them. 

  1. Lastly, it’s extremely important to familiarize yourself with where everything lives in your Hive prior to running the wizard so you know where the items generated from it will be added to. For example, if a wizard includes any type of web page those will be added to the Website>> Manage Web Pages section of your Hive. 

If it includes a drip campaign, that will be added to the Marketing>> Run Drip Campaigns section of your Hive, and so forth. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to success@myfithive.com with any additional questions you may have.