Video Embed Options

Video Embed Options

This article will go over the different video embedding options available in your Hive. Before we begin, please note that videos must be uploaded to a streaming service, such as YouTube (preferred), in order for them to be used in your Hive/website. Additionally, it is strongly recommended to only use videos you own or have explicit permission to use to avoid any potential copyright issues/penalties

Video Embed URL (YouTube)

You can embed videos through multiple areas in your Hive, such as web pages, blogs, exercises, WODs, mobility assessments and routines, and more. As mentioned above, we recommend using YouTube for these, so we'll start with the directions for that option. 
  1. Open the YouTube video you wish to embed in your browser

  2. Select Share (located underneath the video)

  3. Select Embed

  4. Copy the full embed code

  5. You can then paste this in any section of your Hive that requires a Video/YouTube Embed URL

Video Embed URL Alternatives

YouTube Shorts and videos hosted on Vimeo can also be used in any area in your Hive that requires a YouTube Embed URL. However, please note that neither of these can be used for any section that requires a YouTube Video ID.

YouTube Shorts

  1. Open the YouTube Short video you wish to embed

  2. Right click on the video and select Copy Embed Code

  3. You can then paste this in any section of your Hive that requires a Video/YouTube Embed URL


  1. Open the Vimeo video you wish to embed

  2. Locate and click on the Share button, which is located underneath the video

  3. Copy the full embed code

  4. You can then paste this in any section of your Hive that requires a Video/YouTube Embed URL

YouTube Video ID

A YouTube Video ID is required for background videos, which is currently only available in the Background Hero widget. Please note that the integration for embedding a background video is set up exclusively for YouTube, so videos from other services, such as Vimeo, can not be used in the YouTube Video ID setting.
  1. Open the YouTube video you wish to embed

  2. Copy the video ID from the video's URL/link, which is an alphanumeric string that typically has 11 characters and is located at the end of the URL (highlighted in the example image below)

  3. You can then paste this in any section of your Hive that requires a YouTube Video ID

Background Videos for Mobile Devices

Certain cell phones, primarily iPhones, will not play background videos through the YouTube Video ID integration. The work around for this is to create a copy of the video that has been converted as a GIF, copy the GIF’s URL, then paste that into the Background Image URL setting/field on the applicable page. Please note that you’ll still need to add the YouTube Video ID in order for the background video to play on computers/tablets.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating GIFs, GIPHY is a free service that is easy to use. Here’s how to use GIPHY to create a GIF. 
  1. Go to and sign up for a free account

  2. Once your account has been created, click Upload

  3. Click Choose File under GIF, then select the video you want to convert to a GIF from your device

  4. If necessary, trim the video (GIFs can only be up to 30 seconds long), then click Continue to Upload

  5. You can then add additional info, such as tags and/or source, which is optional. When you’re ready to proceed, click Upload to GIPHY to complete the process

  6. Once the video has been converted as a GIF, click Share >> Copy GIF Link

  7. You can then paste the GIF link in the Background Image URL field on the applicable page in your Hive

We hope this helps but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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