Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration

Configuring a Zapier Zap using your Hive is fairly straightforward. You will want to make sure to enable the External API Integrations on your Hive so that Zapier will be able to connect to your Hive. See API documentation.

After the API is configured on your Hive, you'll need to accept the invitation to the FitHive app in Zapier, which you can do HERE (if you're not logged into your Zapier account you'll be prompted to do so). 

After you have accepted the invite to the FitHive app and have logged into your Zapier account, create a zap. Search FitHive for the Zap integration. When you configure your Zap, it will ask for two configuration details, your domain and the API Key.

The domain is the same domain/address you use to access your Hive. Do not include https:// or any other path in your domain. Simply use the domain or subdomain that your Hive is running under, for example if you access the Hive admin at then you would use as the domain for the Zap. If you access your Hive through a subdomain of, for example if it was then your domain for the Zap would be

For the API key, you will need to set and copy that from your Hive settings. See API documentation.

Then follow the prompts on Zapier to finish configuring your Zap. Please note that the FitHive app on Zapier can only be used as the action, not the trigger, when setting up a Zap

See FitHive on Zapier  

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