Blog Categories

Blog Categories

This article will show you how to set up Blog Categories. Categorizing your blogs is a great way to keep them organized and will make them easier for your readers to navigate. 

1. To begin, go to Settings >> Blog Categories >> then select Add Category

2. Next, type in the name of the category in the blank Name field. 

3. You also have the option to set a custom URL slug for the category in the blank Slug field. Slugs are the portion at the end of a URL (ex: If left blank, the slug will automatically be generated based on the category name. For example, if the category name is Nutrition, then the slug would be

4. Once you have finished editing your blog category, click Save to complete the process. 

5. You can then assign blogs to specific categories, which you can learn more about in the How to Create Blog Posts support article. 

We hope this helps but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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