Appointment Types

Appointment Types

This article will show you how to set up default Appointment Types from your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Settings >> Appointment Types (under the Appointments section). 

  1. Next, select Add Type.

  1. From here, you can set the available settings to your liking. Here’s a quick rundown on what each setting does. 

  1. Name: self explanatory, but please note this is for internal use. 

  1. Drip Campaign: this will automatically add the user to the drip campaign selected from the dropdown once they have booked this appointment type. 

  1. Tags to Apply: if enabled, this setting will automatically add the selected tag(s) to a user once they have booked this appointment type. 

  1. Tags to Remove: if enabled, this setting will automatically remove the selected tag(s) from a user once they have booked this appointment type.

  1. Defaults: the settings in this section will also automatically be applied to when adding its corresponding appointment type to your schedule. However, as noted on the page, as admin you’ll have the option to override the default settings when adding the appointment type to your schedule. 

  1. Instructor: this will assign the appointment type to the selected instructor. 

  1. Time: default start time, but the actual times will vary when adding the appointment type to your calendar. 

  1. Duration/Length: how long you’d like the appointment to be.


  1. Signup Threshold: a buffer of time between the start of the appointment and when a user is able to register for it. 

  1. Maximum Attendees: the amount of attendees that can sign up for an individual appointment time. 

  1. Virtual/Video Appointment Default: this allows you to host the appointment virtually. Please note that separate settings must be enabled and set up prior to adding this to an appointment type. 

  1. Background/Text Color: allows you to choose the background and text color for how this appointment type is displayed on your schedule from the admin view (internal use only). 

  1. When you have finished with the appointment settings select Save to complete the setup process. The next step in making your appointments available for booking is to add them to your schedule, which you can learn how to do HERE​.

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 
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