How to Add an Exercise

How to Add an Exercise

This article will show you How to Add/Edit Exercises in your Exercise Library. As mentioned in the How to Build a Program support article, we recommend setting up the exercises prior to adding them to a program so they’re ready to go ahead of time. 

  1. To begin, go to Fitness >> then select Exercise Library

  1. This page will provide you with a master list of all exercises currently in your Hive. If you see the FitHive logo next to an exercise, this indicates that it is a pre-loaded exercise that came with your Hive. We always recommend searching for an exercise prior to adding a new one to help prevent duplicates.

    If the video icon next an exercise is blue, this indicates that a video has been added to it, which you can preview by clicking.  

  1. To add a new exercise, select Add Exercise >> then fill out the corresponding fields: 

  1. Name: this field is pretty self explanatory, simply add the name of the exercise to it. Again, it’s always a good idea to search for an exercise before adding it since you can always edit an existing exercise. 

  1. Type: the available options are Exercise and Cardio, which are hard coded (uneditable) this way to work with the program builder. 

  1. Description: gives you the option to add additional information about the exercise, such as plain text directions on how to perform it correctly. This will be displayed in the program once a user clicks on the exercise. 

  1. Image URL: gives you the option to add an image to the exercise, which can be viewed by the end user when they click on the exercise in a program. 

  1. Video Embed URL: gives you the option to add a video to the exercise, which in most cases will be a video of the exercise itself. This can also be viewed once a user clicks on the play icon next to the exercise in a program. The video needs to be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo prior to adding it to the exercise library. You must also use the video embed url, not the standard playback link, when adding them to an exercise in order for these to load correctly. You can access the video embed URL by opening the video up in YouTube/Vimeo>> access the Share settings>> select Embed>> then copy the url portion of the code (example below). 

**Please note that apart from the exercises that we provide the videos for, you should always use your own to avoid copyright violations. Using a video(s) that you do not own can result in the video being taken down, or legal penalties.** 

  1. Exercise Categories: option used to assign a category to the exercise, which makes them easier to search for both in the exercise library and when adding them to a program. Some of the category examples we’ve seen are Olympic Lifts, Strength, Accessory, etc. 

  1. Related/Substitute Exercises: gives you the option to add substitute exercises. This will provide the end user with the ability to do a substitute exercise instead of the original one, which is a great way to help accommodate those with lift restrictions. 

  1. Once you’re finished with the exercise settings, click Save to complete the process. 

  1. You can use the filters at the top of the exercise library to search by Category or Type. To make any edits to an exercise, simply search for and select it, then make any change as needed. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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