How to Create a Program

How to Create a Program

This article will show you How to Set Up Workout Programs in your Hive. Offering programs is not only a great way to increase revenue, but also helps keep your members engaged and accountable. 

Before you begin, we suggest running through the exercise library in your Hive, which comes pre-loaded with over 200 exercises. However, we understand that a lot of gym owners and their instructors may have unique exercises we don’t have, which is why it’s a good idea to see what’s available in case you want to add some of your own so they’re available to be added to your program. 

  1. To begin, go to Fitness >> Manage Programs >> Add Program

  1. The first couple settings at the top are pretty self explanatory, beginning with the Name and Description

  1. Next, select the Program Type, which is Static or Live

  1. Static programs have a start/end with a set amount of days. Additionally, users work their way through the program based on their individual start date. For example, if John started a static program on January 1st, that would be his first day. 

  1. Live programs are calendar based and will have all registrants doing the same workout on the same calendar date regardless of when they registered for it. 

  1. The Image URL field gives you the option to add a thumbnail image to the program, which can be viewed if the program self manage settings have been enabled (more info on this will be provided below). 

  1. The Video Embed URL field gives you the option to add a video to the program’s home page, which can also be viewed if the program self-manage settings are enabled. Some gyms like to include a welcome video to go over what members can expect in the program. If you plan to add a video, please note that it must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo first, then the video’s embed URL (not playback url) must be pasted into this field for it to load correctly. 

  1. The next option available is to assign a Category to the program, which is completely optional. You can also add new categories by clicking on “Edit/configure program categories.” 

  1. The next item we’d like to go over, and that won’t immediately be viewable/accessible in the program settings until enabled, is the Program Self Manage setting. This is a setting that will give the option to make a specific program publicly viewable to your members, as well as allow users to enroll themselves into it. Please note that this particular setting can only be enabled by a FitHive admin, so if you’d like to enable it, reach out to and we’d be happy to help. 

  1. The Related Programs setting gives you the option to reference another program that is in some way related to the one you’re currently working on. For example, if you have multiple strength programs for beginners, intermediate, and advanced, these could be set up as related programs to each other. Please note that adding related programs will not automatically enroll users into it, it’s just for them to reference so they know it’s an available option. 

  1. Default Membership Restrictions give you the ability to set whether or not a user must be an active member to access this particular program. If enabled, you’ll also be able to set if they must have a specific membership type to do so. 

  1. The Program Data section will provide you with shortcuts to the days in the program and enrolled users so you can view/edit as needed. Please note that the Program Data section will not be viewable until after the program has been set up, so you will not see this right away when setting up a new program. 

  1. When you have finished with the default settings, click Save to continue. 

  1. The next page is where you’ll set up the days in the program. The menu to the top right of the program builder consists of View type (Detailed/Condensed), Enrolled Users, and Settings.

  1. View Type: the default view of the program is set to Detailed, which will provide you with a detailed view of each day of the program. 

The Condensed view will simply show you how many days are currently set up in your program. You can click on a day to view its details in its entirety. 

  1. Enrolled Users: this is a shortcut that will take you the list of enrolled users in the program. To manually add a user, select Enroll User >> search for and select the user you wish to enroll from theUser/Member dropdown >> then set their start date

Membership Restrictions: these settings allow you to manually override any membership restrictions you may have set up in the default settings of the program. For example, if the default restriction settings are set to only allow users with Membership X to enroll, but John Doe has Membership Y and you still want to give them access to the program, you can override that setting by checking the “Override membership restrictions” box. Once you check the box you’ll see additional options on whether or not they must have an active membership and, if so, what type they must have in order to access the program. 

  1. Settings: this is a shortcut that will take you back to the default settings page of the program. 

  1. To set up the first workout on Day 1, click Add Set. You can then choose to add an ExerciseCardioRestNote, or Paste by clicking on their corresponding icons, which are explained in more detail below: 

  1. To add an exercise to the program, click on the Exercise icon (lightning bolt), which open up the Add Exercise pop-up. 

From the pop-up, select the desired exercise from the Exercise dropdown. You can then add how many Sets need to be performed. By default, the rep count in each set will be the same, but you can change this by selectingCustomize Sets, which will add separate tabs for each set. 

You can also enable the sets to be performed on each side for exercises that isolate a side of the body, such as single kick backs. This helps prevent any confusion on how many reps need to be performed. For example, it’ll specify that instead of 10 total reps, it should be 10 reps per side. 

The Time Restrictions settings are available to give the user/member the option to select how long they’re able to work out for. For example, let’s assume that a workout consisting of 12 exercises with 3 sets each can take longer than 90 min to complete if the user/member works out at their own pace, but John Doe only has 30 minutes to workout that day. Using the Time Restrictions settings, you can select which exercises can be done by setting them to 30 min, so instead of John doing all 12 exercises he would only do the ones selected that can be done in 30 min. 

Types can be set up asReps,AMRAP (time), andAMRAP (failure). AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible, with time being however many they can perform in a set amount of time, and failure being how many until they reach failure. 

The Sets section is where you’ll add the amount of reps to be performed per set. As mentioned above, all sets will have the same number of reps unless you have enabled Customize Sets. 

The Percent and Of Max fields give you the option to set the percentage of a max lift that should be performed. As long as the user has recorded a max/pr for the selected exercise, your Hive will generate exactly how much weight they should be lifting per set. For example, if you set the percentage to 50% of max bench press and the user has a recorded max bench of 300lbs, their program will tell them that they need to lift 150lbs for that set. 

TheNotesfield is self explanatory and is commonly used to provide additional directions as needed.

Once you add a section/set you’ll notice that there are flame and snowflake icons next to the letter in the upper left of the section. If you select the flame, that will indicate that everything performed in the section is a warmup. Selecting the snowflake will indicate that everything in the section is a cool down. 

  1. To add cardio to your program, click on the Cardio icon (heart icon), which will open the Add Cardio pop-up. From there, select the cardio exercise you'd like to include from the Exercise dropdown. 

Types are broken down into RepsTimed, and To FailureReps can be used for cardio options that have set reps for distances and/or movements. If applicable, you can also set the distance, as well as the unit of measurement.

Timed can be used if the cardio option selected needs to be performed for a set amount of time. If applicable, you can also set the distance as well as the unit of measurement.

Failure can be used if the cardio option selected needs to be performed until failure. Unlike Reps and Timed, there isn’t an option to set the distance and unit of measurement since the user will perform the selected cardio option until failure. 

  1. The next available option is Rest. Once you click on the Rest icon (bed icon), you can set the amount of time, as well as the unit of measurement, which are minutes, seconds, and hours. 

  1. The Notes icon will allow you to add a separate note that is not tied to a specific exercise or cardio option, but to the entire workout set. These are useful when adding additional direction for the entire workout. For example, one of the most common uses for this is to explain how supersets should be performed. 

  1. The last option is Paste, which can be used to copy and paste exercises, sets, and days from other sections of the program. You can also copy content from other programs as well. 

  1. Copying an Exercise: hover over the exercise you want to copy, then click on the copy icon. 

  1. Copying a Section: hover over the section (labeled with a letter in the upper left corner of the section) you want to copy, then click on the copy set icon. 

  1. Copying a Day: click on the copy icon next to the date of the day you want to copy. 

Once you have copied your selection, you can then select Paste on the day you want to paste it to. There’s an option to copy multiple days at once, which will cover below. 

  1. After the first day of the program has been set up, you can continue to add additional days as needed. You can also edit the days, such as repositioning exercises and sets, as well as deleting content. 

  1. To reposition an exercise, hover over it until the directional pad appears, then click and drag to where you’d like to move it to. You can move an exercise within the same day, or move it to another. 

  1. To reposition a set, hover over the letter in the upper left corner of the set until the directional pad appears, then click and drag to where you’d like to move it to. You can move an exercise within the same day, or move it to another. 

  1. To delete a single exercise, hover over it until the menu pops up and click the X. 

To delete an entire section/set, hover over the letter in the upper left corner and click the X. 

To delete an entire day, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the day (detailed edit day), then selectDelete Day from the next page. 

  1. The menu thumbtack to the side of the program provides with you option to Add Day or Copy Days, as well as additional shortcuts to access Enrolled Users and the program default settings. Add DayEnrolled Users, and Settings have been covered above, so the last option we’d like to go over is Copy Days

As mentioned above, this setting will allow you to copy multiple days of a program, including days from other programs as well. After you click Copy Days, you can select the program you want to copy days from and the program you want to add those days to. By default, it’ll select the program you’re currently working on. 

Next, select the days you want to copy and the start day you want to add them to. For example, if week 1 has seven days you’d set the Copy from day # to 1 and the through day # to 7. If you plan on adding this to week 2, you’d set To starting day # to 8. If you want to add this to week 3, you’d set To starting day # to 15. 

Once you have finished selecting the days you want to copy, select Copy to complete the process. 

  1. The last thing we’d like to point out is that the examples above are from a Static program, but the process to set up a Live program is essentially the exact same with the following exceptions: 

  • You can only view a live program in the Detailed view, which is why the condensed version is not available in the top menu. 

  • The option to copy multiple days from the side menu thumbtack is unavailable since these are date specific, however, you still have the option to copy exercises, sets, and single days. 

  • The option to add a day from the side menu thumbtack is also unavailable since the days are already available, you would simply go the date you want to add a workout to. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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