How to Post Workouts (WODs)

How to Post Workouts (WODs)

This article will show you how to Post Workouts (these are referenced as WOD's, which is the abbreviation "workout of the day") through your Hive, as well as how your members can access them. 

  1. To begin, go to Fitness >> Post Workouts. From here, you’ll be shown all WOD calendars currently in your Hive (the Unnamed calendar is created in all Hives by default). These calendars are intended to be used for different workout/training types. For example, if you have separate workouts for general fitness, advanced training, strength training, HIIT, etc. you can set up separate WOD calendars for each of them.

  1. To set up a new WOD calendar, click Manage Calendars >> Add Calendar.

  1. Next, add the Calendar Name and Internal Name as desired.

    You also have the option to Set a Default WOD to the calendar. If enabled, the workout you add here will be saved and automatically added to any day in the corresponding WOD calendar that you don’t add a workout to, which we’ll cover in more detail later.

  2. Once you have finished adding the general details, click Save to proceed. 

  1. You’ll then be redirected to the actual calendar view of the WOD Calendar you just set up. To add your first workout, simply click on the day you’d like to add it to. 

  1. From here, you can start with a Title/Name for the workout (optional). The Content section is where you’ll add the workout details, such as which exercises should be done, how it’s structured, time limits (if applicable), etc.

  2. The Coaching Notes section gives you the option to add additional notes for the workout that your instructors and admins can view. For example, some instructors will add notes on how to scale workouts for members who aren’t able to perform them exactly as they are.

  3. Each workout also has the option to be scored, which you can enable by checking the Score this WOD box. If enabled, this will allow your members to submit scores for that specific workout; instructors and admins will also be able to submit scores for members as well. Below is a breakdown of each scoring setting to help you better understand how best to set these up to fit your needs for each workout.

    Name: this is optional if the workout only has 1 leaderboard/scoring option, but is required if there are 2 or more (we’ll cover this in more detail further along).

    Type: select the applicable score type, which is what the score will be based on. The available default score types are Weight, Time, and Count/Reps.

    Type Label: this gives you the option to override the default Type name; for example, if you want this score to be based on the amount of calories burned, you would set the Type to Count/Reps and the Type Label to Calories.

    Rank By: this determines how the scores are ranked; for example, if the score should be based on the heaviest weight lifted by a member you would select Highest/Largest, but if it’s based on who’s able to able to complete the workout in the shortest amount of time you would select Lowest/Smallest.

    Split Leaderboard by Gender: if enabled, this will split the leaderboard based on gender.

    Additional Leaderboard Splits: this gives you the ability to split the leaderboard within the individual score. The three most commonly used splits are RX, Scaled, and RX+ but you also have the option to create your own. Scaled workouts involve modifying certain movements or weights to accommodate an individual's skill level or physical condition, while RX workouts are performed as originally prescribed in terms of movements and weights; for RX+, athletes perform the same movements and weights as prescribed in RX, but the RX+ category often includes additional challenges or increased difficulty. If enabled, separate leaderboards will be created for each split within the score.

    Add Scoring Leaderboard gives you the option to create separate leaderboards for each scorable movement/exercise in the workout. For example, if members have to complete the workout as quickly as possible, but you also want to score the weight they used during it, you can create separate leaderboards for time and weight. 

  1. Once you have finished setting up your workout, click Save to add it to the calendar. You can make changes to an existing workout by clicking on the day it’s posted to. 

Now that you have added workouts to your WOD calendar, let’s go over the different ways they can be accessed/displayed. 

  1. Member Dashboard: to enable, go to Settings >> General Settings >> scroll down to the Account Navigation section and check Yes for Display WOD, then save your changes. Once enabled, this will add a WOD shortcut to the menu in the member dashboard. 

  1. Member App: by default, members can access this from your member app by clicking on the side menu in the upper right corner >> then select WOD. Since your app is customizable, you also have the option to add the WOD widget to the app dashboard or menu, which you can learn more about HERE. 

  1. Website: you can add the WOD widget to any web page built through your Hive. To do so, go to Website >> Manage Web Pages >> select the page you’d like to add it to, or select Add Page to create a new one. Once you have the page open, select Add Section >> select the WOD Viewer widget.

    You can then edit the WOD viewer settings, such as which calendar to display on this page, how many days forward/back a WOD can be viewed, etc. in the left hand menu. Once you have everything set up in the WOD widget to your liking click Set Content.

    However, before saving the page, please note that the default access settings for web pages are set to Public, which means if you add this page anywhere on your website anyone would be able to access it (unregistered users won’t be able submit scores, though). To change this setting, click on the Page Access dropdown and select the access level, which are:

    - Anyone/Public: publicly accessible, no restrictions

    - Anyone with Set Access Code: assign an access code to the page that users must provide to view

    - Any Logged in User: users must be logged into their account to view

    - User with Membership: users must have an active membership to view; you can also restrict this to specific membership types

    - Admin User: users must have admin access to view

    - Instructor: users must have instructor access to view

    Once everything looks good to go on your web page, click Save to complete the process. 

  1. Displays: this gives you the option to create custom displays that can be viewed on TV’s, tablets, and most monitors depending on your device capabilities. You can learn more about this by checking out the How to Set Up Displays support article. 

All WOD scores, regardless of where they were submitted from (member app, WOD Display, etc), will automatically be added to the leaderboard of the corresponding WOD. 

We hope this helps, but as always, please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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