How to Set Up External Displays

How to Set Up External Displays

This article will show you how to set up Displays through your Hive, which can be used to display WODs (daily workouts) and Leaderboards on tv’s, computers, tablets, and other external monitors depending on their tech capabilities. Before setting up a display, you’ll want to make sure that you set up your WODs and/or Leaderboards first. 

Below is an example of a TV display we set up for WODs/daily workouts. 

Now that you have a general idea of what displays are and how they might look, let’s go over the steps on how to set them up in your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Settings >> Displays >> Add Display.

  1. Next, adjust the settings of the display as desired.

    Here’s a rundown of each display setting: 

    Name: this is for internal use and will not show on the actual display itself; this can be useful if you use multiple tv’s/monitors for separate workouts/leaderboards (ie: front desk, main gym, crossfit, etc). 

    Title: this will be shown at the top of the display

    Access Code: this is used to help keep your display access as secure as possible; these are automatically generated and added to the unique URL assigned to each display type. If at any point you feel that outside parties have gained access to your display, simply hit the Refresh button on the Access Code to replace it. 

    Active: this controls whether or not the selected display is active; if a display is inactive it will not be publicly accessible.

    Display Content: this is where you’ll choose what content you’d like to be shown on the display, which you’ll do by clicking on Add Content

    Let’s break down each of the content options, as well as how to set them up: 


    Leaderboard: simply click into the blank field to select which leaderboard you’d like to be shown on the display. 


    Calendar: this gives you the option to select which WOD calendar you’d like to be shown on the display. By default, the first WOD calendar will be selected, but you can click into the field to select one of your choosing. 

    Mode: this controls which portion (or mode) of the WOD you want to be shown on the display. Workout Only will only show the workout portion of the WOD; Scores Only will only show the scores recorded for the WOD (if applicable); Combo will show both the workout and scores for the WOD. 

    Score Entry: this controls whether or not you allow your members/instructors to submit WOD scores through the display. Please note that if this is enabled, the device that the display is being shown on must be connected to a keyboard in order for scores to be submitted. 

    You’re able to add as many WOD and Leaderboard options as you’d like to the display. However, please keep in mind that everything added will be shown on the same display screen, so the more content you add the more scrolling you and your members will have to do to view everything. 

  1. Once you have finished setting up your display, click Save to complete the process. 

  1. The next page you’re redirected to will provide you with the uniqueDisplay URL assigned to this display, which is what you’ll use to view/access it. We always recommend clicking on the display URL to check out how everything looks before you publicly display it. 

There are varying ways to connect your Display to external devices depending on your tech configuration and equipment. Since everyone we work with won’t have the exact same setup, we’re not able to provide step-by-step directions for this. However, we have put together a general outline to point you in the right direction. 

  • As mentioned above, each display you create in your Hive will have its own unique Display URL. Simply open up the Display URL on the device you want to show it on, or cast it to another device. 

  • The TV or monitor you’d like to cast your display on must either have casting/mirroring capabilities, or an external streaming device (such as Google ChromeCast) plugged into it. Casting involves wirelessly transmitting multimedia content from one device to another. 

  • As another reminder, if you plan to allow your members to post scores through the display you’ll also need to make sure that an external keyboard is connected to it. 

  • If you decide to use a computer to show your display on, we suggest that you open the Display URL in its own browser tab or window. This will prevent members/users from accidentally navigating back to your admin dashboard. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have!

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