Post Leaderboards

Post Leaderboards

This article will show you how to navigate the Post Leaderboards section of your Hive. Before we begin, please note that the leaderboards managed here are completely separate from the WOD scores/leaderboard available through Post Workouts. 

Leaderboards set up through Post Leaderboards are intended to be used to track lifetime PRs/scores for benchmark workouts, which are standardized and repeatable workouts that serve as a reference point to measure an individual's performance and track improvements over time, providing a consistent metric for assessing fitness levels and setting goals. 

Now, let’s go over how to set these up through your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Fitness >> Post Leaderboards >> Add Leaderboard.

  1. This page is where you’ll set up the details of the leaderboard.

    Below is breakdown of the available fields/settings, which are: 

    Name: enter the name/title of the Leaderboard here.

    Subtitle: whatever is entered here will be displayed after/underneath the name on the public view. 

    Type: select the applicable score type, which is what the score will be based on. The available default score types are Weight, Time, and Count/Reps. 

    Type Label: this gives you the option to override the default Type name; for example, if you want this score to be based on the amount of calories burned, you would set the Type to Count/Reps and the Type Label to Calories.

    Active: determines if the leaderboard is active/available. 

    Rank By: this determines how the scores are ranked; for example, if the score should be based on the heaviest weight lifted by a member you would select Highest/Largest, but if it’s based on who’s able to able to complete the workout in the shortest amount of time you would select Lowest/Smallest.

    Split leaderboard by gender: if enabled, this will split the leaderboard based on gender. 

  1. Once you have finished setting up your leaderboard, click Save to complete the process.

  1. To make changes to a leaderboard, as well as view all scores submitted to it, simply navigate back to Fitness >> Post Workouts >> then select the desired leaderboard. 

Now that you have created a leaderboard, let’s go over the different ways they can be accessed/displayed. 

  1. Member Dashboard: your members can access this from their online account by going to Records>> Leaderboards. 

  1. Member App: by default, members can access this from your member app by clicking on the side menu in the upper right corner>> then select Leaderboards. Since your app is customizable, you also have the option to add the Leaderboards widget to the app dashboard or menu. 

  1. Displays: you have the option to create custom leaderboard displays that can be viewed on TV’s, tablets, and most monitors depending on your device capabilities. You can learn more about this by checking out the How to Set Up Displays support article. 

  1. Instructor App: coaches can access leaderboards through the instructor app by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner>> select Leaderboards

We hope this helped you become more familiar with the Post Leaderboards section of your Hive, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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