How to Record Maxes/PRs

How to Record Maxes/PRs

This article will show you How to Record Maxes/PRs for the users in your Hive. Before we begin, Maxes/PRs refer to a user’s maximum lift or personal record for a specific exercise. These records can be submitted by admins, instructors, or by the users themselves. As an admin, you have the option to set what exercises have max lifts or not. Additionally, we suggest setting up Maxes/PRs prior to submitting a record for a user so they’re ready to go ahead of time. You can learn more about setting up Maxes/PRs HERE

  1. We’ll start with adding a Max/PR through your admin view. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> then search for and select the user you’re recording a max lift for. 

  1. From their profile, select the Records tabs >> then select the Maxes/PRs sub-tab. 

  1. This section will show you all of the available Max/PRs, as well as their history. If the Max lift is highlighted in green, this indicates that a record has been submitted and will show the date of the last submission, as well as the record (weight, time, reps) itself. If the max lift is white, this indicates that the user has not submitted a record for it. 

  1. To submit a new Max/PR, simply click on the corresponding exercise >> then select “Add new record.” Next, confirm the date and enter the record >> then click Submit to complete the process. You can follow the same steps to edit an existing Max/PR as well. 

The next option to record a Max/PR is as an instructor, which can be done through the Instructor Account or Instructor app. We’ll start with the Instructor Account page, but please note that users/members must be assigned to the instructor in order for them to have the ability to submit Maxes/PRs for them. 

  1. Once an instructor has logged into their account, their homepage will provide them with a list of all active members/users assigned to them. From there, they’ll search for and select the member they’d like to add a Max/PR. 

  1. The next page will provide them with a snapshot of the members history, such as journal entries, upcoming classes, progress photos and more. If the member has marked a Max/PR as their favorite, which can be done by clicking on the star next to it, it will appear under the Maxes section. All other available maxes can be viewed by clicking on View More Max Types

  1. To submit a new Max/PR, the instructor will select the max type (from the favorites or by clicking View More Max Types) >> enter the record in the blank field >> then click Save to complete the process. 

  1. The next option to record a Max/PR as an instructor is through their instructor app. Once they’re logged into their instructor app, they’ll simply follow the exact same steps as above. 

The last option to record a Max/PR is as a member/user, which they can do through their online account or member app. Below are the steps for the online account. 

  1. From their online account, they’ll select Records from the account Menu >> then select Maxes/PRs

  1. Next, they’ll select the Max/PR they want to submit a record for >> add the record >> then click Submit to complete the process. 

  1. They also have the option to set a Max/PR type as a “favorite” by clicking on the star icon next to it. This will then create a graph that will display their progress of all records submitted for that Max/PR. Since the member apps in FitHive are customizable to each gym, the steps to get to the area to enter a Max/PR will be different depending on how yours is set up. The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with your member app so you can help your members navigate it, after which you can direct them to the Maxes/PR or Records section. From there, the steps for your members to record a Max/PR are the same as doing them from their online account. 

We hope this helps but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have.

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