How to View/Manage Class Registrants

How to View/Manage Class Registrants

This article will show you how to view/manage class registrants from the Class Schedule in your Hive. 

  1. To begin, go to Schedule >> Schedule Classes

  1. Next, select an individual class from the schedule and clickView/Manage Registrants.


  1. You’ll then be provided with a snapshot of the class’ default settingsAttendees, and Waitlist (if applicable). 

  1. To manage your attendees, scroll down to the Attendees section to view the list of all registrants. This list will provide you with the Checked In status, PaidNameEmailST (status), MembershipReg (Registration Date). Here’s a breakdown of the function/purpose of each column. 

  1. Checked In: shows whether or not the corresponding user has checked into the class, or has canceled their registration. As admin, you can also check in the user from this page by clicking on their corresponding status. 

  1. Paid: if applicable, shows the amount the user paid to sign up for the class. The amount paid will pull directly from the default price from the class settings. 

  1. Name & Email: name and email address of the user registered for the class. 

  1. ST (status): there are 2 types of registration statuses, soft and hard. Soft registrations are applied to users who have registered for a class that is outside of their current billing period. A soft registration will convert to a hard registration once the class falls into the user’s current billing period. 

  1. Membership: shows the membership type that was used by the member to register for the class. If there’s no membership type listed for a user, this indicates that either an admin manually registered the user and overrode the membership restriction, or that the class does not require users to have an active membership to register for it. 

  1. Reg (Registration Date): this is the date the user registered for the class and is not the start time/date of the class itself. 

  1. To manually register a user to a class, click on Signup User >> then search for and select the applicable user from the pop-up list. 

  1. Next, select the applicable membership that is being used for them to register for the class. If they have a pass-based membership, you’ll also have the option for their registration to consume one of their passes. 

  1. You can also choose whether or not you’d like to check them into the class, which we’d only suggest doing if the class they’re registering for is starting within 2 hours or less from the time of their registration. 

  1. You can then select which email notifications you’d like to send once the registration has been completed. There are separate notifications you can choose to send to the UserInstructor assigned to the class, or Admin notification. 

  1. Once you have made your selections, click Signup User to complete the registration process. The new registrant will then be added to the Attendees list. 

  1. Once a user has been registered for the class, you’ll notice that there is an option for additional details. Simply click on “details'' next to their registration date to view these details as needed. This view will also show you who canceled a user’s registration if applicable. 

  1. Lastly, you also have the option to send mass communications to class registrants via email or text, which you can learn more about HERE

We hope this helps, but as always please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 

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