Bulk Update Class Schedule

Bulk Update Class Schedule

This article will show you 
how to bulk update classes that are currently on your schedule. 

  1. To begin, go to Schedule >> Schedule Classes >> then select Bulk Update, which is located at the upper right corner of the schedule. 

  1. Next, click Clear Current and Start NewYou’ll then be prompted to select the Criteria/Search to Match Class Times. This will update all the classes included in the selected criteria. The available options:

  1. Date Range: the change(s) will be applied to all classes selected within the selected date range. If checked, you’ll add the start and end dates of the range of classes you’d like to update. 

  1. Time of Day Range: the change(s) will be applied to all classes within the selected time of day range. For example, you can use this if you want to update all classes between 7am-10am. If checked, you’ll add the start and end times of the time range you’d like to update. 

  1. Specific Class: the change(s) will be applied to a specific class. If checked, you’ll select which class type you’d like to update from the dropdown. 

  1. Instructor: the change(s) will be applied to all classes assigned to the selected instructor. If checked, you’ll select the instructor whose classes you’d like to update fromthe dropdown. 

Please note that you can select multiple criteria to update as needed. For example, if you want to update a specific class within a specific day range, you would select Date Range and Specific Class. 

  1. Once you have made your criteria selection, click Save & Continue to proceed. 

  1. The next page is where you’ll select the individual class setting(s) that you’d like to update for the selected criteria. Please note that you should only check the settings you wish to update, all others should be left unchecked. The available options to update are: 

  1. Class: used to change the class type. For example, if you need to change a Strength class to a Boot Camp class. 

  1. Instructor: used to change the instructor.

  1. Signup Threshold: used to update the signup threshold, which is how long a user has to sign up for a class before it's start time. 

  1. Cancellation Threshold: used to update the cancellation threshold, which is how long a user has to cancel their class registration prior to its start time.

  1. Maximum Attendees: used to update the maximum number of class attendees.

  1. Price: used to update the signup price for a class. 

  1. Change Virtual/Video Class to: used to enable/disable virtual class settings. 

  1. Members Only: used to set whether or not a user must have an active membership to sign up for the class

  1. Members No Charge: used to waive potential class signup fees for users with an active membership. If selected, you’ll also have the option to select specific membership types that the signup fee will be waived for. 

  1. Waitlist Enabled: used to enable/disable a class waitlist. 

  1. Private Event: used to enable/disable whether or not the class is a private event. If enabled, the class will not be displayed on your public schedule and can only be managed by an admin. 

  1. Once you have selected the settings that you’d like to update, click Save & Continue to proceed. You’ll then be provided with a list of all classes that meet the selected criteria that will be updated. If you need to change the criteria from step 2, selectView/Modify Search Criteria. To update the settings to be changed from step 4, select View/Modify Changes. If everything looks accurate, select Confirm Review/Proceed. You’ll then be prompted to confirm your selection, which you’ll do by clicking on Confirm & Proceed

  1. You’ll have one final confirmation to apply the change(s) to your class schedule, which you’ll do by clicking on Yes, execute changes. You’ll then be provided with a report of the amount of classes that have been updated successfully. 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to success@myfithive.com with any additional questions you may have. 

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