How to Create a Drip Campaign

How to Create a Drip Campaign

This article will show you 
how to set up and run drip campaigns from your Hive. Drip campaigns are automated sets of communications (emails and/or texts) that can be set to send to a schedule of your choosing. Users can be added to a drip campaign once a certain action has been executed, such as signing up for a membership, scheduling an appointment, receiving/removing a specific tag, and more. These are a great way to automatically increase engagement with your users/members without having to do so manually. 

  1. To begin, go to Marketing >> Run Drip Campaigns >> Create Campaign.

  1. On the next page, give your drip campaign a name, which is for internal use. You can also set what time you’d like the communications in your drip campaign to be sent, which is useful for drips with more than 1 communication. When ready, click Continue to Proceed

  1. The next page will provide you with a performance report, which will be blank until the campaign is launched and users are added to it. This is also where you can create and add the communications to your drip campaign. As a reminder, the available communications are email and/or text messages. We’ll start with adding an email to the drip, which you can do by clicking on Add Email Message

  1. From here, you’ll set up the email just like you would a mass email. Below is a quick recap of each email setting. 

  1. From Name: this shows your recipients who the email is from and is defaulted to add your gym’s name from your general settings. You also have the option to edit this by clicking into the field.

  1. Reply Email: this is the email address that replies to your email will be sent to. By default, replies will be sent to the email address set up as your Hive Notification Email in your general settings. This can also be edited by clicking into the field. 

  1. Email Subject: what you enter here will be shown in the subject line once it is sent to your recipients. You’ll want to make sure to avoid words or phrases such as “Buy Now”, “Signup Now”, “Join Now”, etc. to help reduce the risk of the email getting flagged as spam. 

  1. The next step is to add the content of the email itself, which you’ll do by clicking on +Section >> then select the widget you’d like to add to use to add your content. You can then edit the content in the left hand editing menu. Once you’re done editing, select Set Content

  1. You can add more content widgets as needed by selecting +Section again, which will add the next selected widget underneath the previous one. Hovering over an existing section will also give you the option to another content widget, which you’ll do by selecting Add above or below (depicted by up/down arrows). Move above or below (also depicted by up/down arrows) allows you to move sections of the email accordingly. Lastly, you can delete sections by clicking on the trashcan icon

  1. There are tokens available that can be added to the email that will auto-populate the corresponding information once the email is sent. For example, if you paste in the @@first_name@@ token, your Hive will auto-populate that with the user’s first name. The token references are located at the bottom of the email, or in the Notepad icon to the right. Simply copy the token and paste it into the section of the email you’d like to add it to. Please note that you must use the tokens from your Hive in order for them to work correctly. 

  1. Once you’re done editing the email, select Save. You’ll then be prompted to send yourself a test email, which we always recommend doing so that you can check for any errors, as well as see how it will look from the recipient’s perspective. After sending yourself a test, select Done testing to proceed. 

  1. The email, as well as all other communications created for the drip, will be added to the Messages section, which provides you with the following additional settings: 

  1. The Days Later field allows you to set when that specific communication will be sent. Please note that the days later set for the first communication will be based on the time the recipient has been added for the drip. Ex: if you set the days later setting to 1 for the first email, it would be sent to the recipient one day after they have been added to the drip. If you want the first communication to immediately be sent to the recipient the moment they’re added to the drip, you would set the days later to 0. 

    The days later setting for each additional communication is based on when the previous communication is sent and 
    not from the start of the campaign. Ex: if you have a drip campaign with three emails and want the first email to be sent immediately and the other two to go out weekly, you would set the days later setting for the first email to 0, 7 for the second email, and 7 for the third. Once a drip campaign has been launched the days later setting shouldn't be edited, as doing so can cause disruptions for recipients that are currently active in it. 

  1. View will provide you with a performance report, recipient list, and message history for the corresponding communication.

  1. Edit will allow you to make any changes to the corresponding communication.

  1. Test gives you the option to send yourself a test of the communication.

  1. Copy gives you the ability to copy/duplicate the corresponding communication.

  1. The Recipients section is where you’ll have the option to manually add users to the drip. 

  1. Add Recipient gives you the option to add individual users. Simply click Add Recipient, then search for and select the applicable users you’d like to add.

  1. Bulk Add gives you the option to add groups of users to the drip based on tag, membership, status, or both. 

As previously mentioned, you can also add text messages in drip campaigns, but please note that texting must be enabled in your Hive in order for them to be available. This is typically set up during your onboarding process, but you can also reach out to to enable texting as well. The process of adding text messages to a drip campaign is essentially the same as emails (simply select Add text message then repeat the same steps from above), but here are some things we’d like to point out. 

  1. Text messages are billed per text segment, which consists of 160 characters. Ex: if your text message has 200 characters it would take 2 text segments to send. However, the message itself will still be delivered to the recipient as a single text message. 

  1. Special characters, such as emojis, typically take up 2 or more characters, so it’s important to keep an eye on the character count. 

  1. Copying/pasting text from outside of your Hive into a text message in your drip can sometimes have special characters with higher character counts that you might not be aware of, so we always suggest that you paste without formatting when doing so and, again, keep an eye on your character count. 

Lastly, as mentioned in the beginning of this article, there are additional triggers to automatically add users to drip campaigns. These are covered in the list of support articles below: 

We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to with any additional questions you may have. 

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