Course Builder

Course Builder

This article will show you how to create/manage Courses in your Hive. 

Creating/Editing a Course

  1. To begin, go to Courses >> then select New

  2. From the Edit Course Info screen, edit the available settings as desired. The content added here will be displayed on the course list and course info page. 

    Here's a rundown of each setting:

    1. Course Name: add the desired name of the course in this field

    2. Members Only: controls if users are required to have an active membership to access the course; check the box to enable this setting.

      If the Members Only setting is enabled, you'll have an additional option to restrict access to specific membership types. Check the Restrict to specific membership types box >> then select the applicable membership type(s).

    3. Image URL: option to add an image to the Course Info page; to edit, click the magnifying glass and select the image you’d like to use, or upload one from your device. You also have the option to select a stock image from the Unsplash Image Library.

    4. Video Embed URL: option to add a video to the Course Info page; paste the embed URL of the video you’d like to add to this section

    5. Sort Order: controls the sort order, or position, of the course on the course browse list. The order in which courses are listed are prioritized based on enrollment (enrolled programs will be listed first), then course Sort Order, then alphabetically from A to Z. 

    6. Browseable by All: if set to Yes, the course will be viewable on the course browse list, regardless if of its Members Only settings. However, users will still need to meet the applicable Members Only requirements in order to enroll. 

    7. Short Description: will be displayed as part of the course preview on the Course List

    8. Enrollment Information: use this content to explain to someone who does not meet membership requirements (if applicable) how to signup. You can link them to a specific membership signup, link them to a contact form, or explain any enrollment instructions. Ex: You must have the Premium Membership to enroll into this course. Click BUY NOW below to purchase. 

      *Please note that the Enrollment Information will not be displayed to users who meet the course's membership requirements.

    9. Description Sections: will be displayed on the course info page (once clicked from the Course List)

  3. Once you have finished editing the Course Info, click Save to continue. Here are examples of how this info will be displayed on the course list and course info page:

    Course List

    Course Info Page

  4. To add your first page/section to the course, select Edit Sections/Pages >> then select Add Page

  5. You can then add your content for the page as needed. When you're done editing the page, click Save. You'll then repeat the same process for each additional page/section you'd like to add to the course.

  6. You also have the option to nest (group together) the pages, which is great to use if your course has multiple sections/sub-sections. For example, let's say you're setting up a course that has an intro, a section for nutrition, and an outro. Now let's say that the nutrition section has separate pages that covers what macros are, how to calculate macros, how to meal prep, and a grocery list. Nesting would allow you to add all of the nutrition related pages under the nutrition section.

    To nest, simply click on the page and drag it under the applicable page/section/sub-section.

    Please note that you can also add multiple nesting layers to a section, which you'll do by clicking and dragging the page to sub-section/page. 

  7. To manually enroll users in the course, navigate back to course details page (if you're still on the Pages view, click on the course name from top-left navigation) >> select Enrolled Users >> click +Add, then search for/select the user.

    You will then have the option to select if that user's enrollment overrides the course's Membership Restrictions (if applicable). For example, if the program is set up for user's with a specific membership type but you wanted to enroll a friend/family member into it, you can check the box for Override membership restrictions and uncheck Members only to add them. 

    Once you have finished with your selections, click Save to finish enrolling them. 

  8. To delete a course, navigate back to the Courses section of your Hive >> then click the delete icon (trashcan) next to the applicable course. Please note that once a course has been deleted that it cannot be restored.

Course Accessibility

There are a few ways to make your course(s) accessible, with the easiest being to add a shortcut to them in the user dashboard menu. By default, this setting is disabled, but you can follow the steps below to enable it. 
  1. Go to Settings >> General Settings >> scroll down to the User Account Area Settings and locate the Display Courses setting, which has the following 3 options to choose from: 

    1. No: this will not display the course in the user dashboard

    2. Full List: will display all active courses, but users will only be able to enroll in the ones they're eligible for

    3. Enrolled List: will display the list of all courses the user is enrolled in

  2. Once you have made your selection, make sure to Save to your changes. 

  3. Users will then be able to access the courses by clicking on Courses from their account dashboard. 

The other options to make your course(s) accessible is to set up redirects to the Course List page, which can be done any time a Redirect URL setting is available in Web Pages (buttons/hyperlinks), Website MenusCustom Forms, Memberships, Mass Emails/Texts, and Drip Campaigns.

Any time you see a Redirect URL setting/option in any of these areas, click the magnifying glass >> select the Built In tab >> then select Course List. We've provided examples from each of the mentioned areas that redirects are available in below. 

Web Pages (Note: the example below is using a Contact Form widget, but the selection process is the same for any Redirect URL option in any content widget)

Memberships (Note: Self-signup settings must be enabled for URL redirects to be available)

Mass Texts (Note: the URL to your course list will be your website URL + /courses/list; ex: 

We hope this helps but please feel free to reach out so with any additional questions you may have. 
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