

This article will show you how to set up and utilize Tags in your Hive. Tags are unique identifiers that can be manually or automatically assigned, or “tagged”, to specific groups of users to segment them as needed. There are multiple actions you can set up to automatically apply/remove tags to users, such as when they sign up for a membership, fill out a contact form, schedule an appointment, and more. 

Setting Up Tags

To start off, let's go over how to set up default tags.
  1. Go to Settings >> Tags >> Add Tag

  2. You’ll then be directed to the default settings page of the new tag you’re setting up. Provide the name of the tag in the Name field. For example, if you want to tag new leads who fill out a contact form on your homepage, you can set the tag to “Homepage Lead.”

    The next settings are what actions you’d like the tag to perform once it has been Applied to or Removed from a user.

    1. When Tag is Applied: you can choose to either add or remove users from the selected drip campaign once a tag has been applied to a user, which you can select from the applicable dropdown.

    2. When Tag is Removed: you can choose to either add or remove users from the selected drip campaign once a tag has been removed from a user, which you can select from the applicable dropdown. 

  3. Once you have finished selecting your desired tag settings, select Save to complete the process. 

You'll also have the option to use the Quick Add tool to add tags on the fly, which we'll cover in more detail below. 

Manual Tag Application/Removal

Now that you have set up your first default tag, let’s cover how these tags can be applied/removed from users, beginning with doing so manually from People (CRM). 
  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> then locate the Lead/Tags column.

    If the tag icon is highlighted in blue, this indicates that one or more tags have been applied to the user. You can click on the tag icon to view which tag(s) has been applied to the user, which will be highlighted in a lighter blue. 

    If a tag is highlighted in gold, this indicates that this was the last tag selected to be manually applied to a user, which you can then click on to add to the corresponding user. 

  2. To manually add a new tag to a user, click +Add >> then select the desired tag. 

    You also have the option to create and add a new tag from this view by clicking into the Quick Add Tag field >> type in your tag >> then click on the + button. 

    *Please note that using the Quick Add Tag tool will not give you the option to select the actions from the default tag settings outlined in the section above, so if you’d like to add these you’ll need to go back to the tags default settings to do so.

  3. To manually remove a tag, simply click on the tag icon next to the applicable user >> click the X on the tag you’d like to remove >> then confirm its removal. 

  4. If you’d like to apply/remove tags from multiple users in People (CRM), you can do so using the User Selection Bulk Tag tool

The next option to manually apply/remove tags from users is through the Follow Up Leads section of your Hive. 
  1. To begin, go to People (CRM) >> Follow Up Leads >> then select the desired user from the Current Leads list.

  2. You’ll then be provided with a snapshot of their details. The tags section will show you which tags are currently applied to the user. You can then follow the same steps outlined in the section above to add/remove tags from the user. 

Automatic Tagging

Now that we’ve covered the ways to manually add/remove tags to users, let’s dive into how this can be done automatically, beginning with user form submissions. All forms, whether they're basic contact form, contact with content form, and custom forms, can have tags connected to them, which will automatically tag users with it once they fill out the corresponding form. 

Memberships have the ability to add/remove selected tags from users once they sign up for the corresponding membership, or if they start the sign up process but abandon it before purchasing. 

Appointments have the ability to add/remove selected tags from users once they book the corresponding appointment type. 

Lastly, the Facebook Connection also gives you the option to tag users once they're imported to your Hive after they fill out a FB lead form ad. 

Tagged Users/Actions

Once users have been tagged, you can locate them by executing searches in your CRM, after which you can perform bulk actions such as mass email/text, add to drip campaigns, export them, and more. Follow the steps below to execute a tag-based search. 

  1. Go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> Filters.

  2. Next, click +Add Tag under Includes Tags (Any) >> select the tag you want to search by >> then Run Filter

  3. You'll then be provided with a list of all users that have the selected tag(s). You can then perform any of the following bulk actions:

    1. Add/Remove Tag
    2. Update Lead Status
    3. Export
    4. Mass Email
    5. Mass Text
    6. Add to Drip
    7. Bulk delete
Please note that you'll typically set up tag-based actions during the initial set up of whatever you're building. For example, if you're setting up a funnel for leads to fill out a form, get tagged, then added to a drip, you'll typically connect the drip to the tag or form first. Bulk actions are generally used after the initial action/funnel has been completed, you're setting up a new funnel to add existing users to, or to add users to them that weren't initially included/missed. 

We hope this helps but please feel free to reach out to success@myfithive.com with any additional questions/feedback you might have. 

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